Tether by Jeremy Robinson

Tether - Jeremy Robinson

I wasn't a fan of this one. I didn't quite understand the transition from a pill popping anxiety riddled dude with a too perfect life and too perfect wife to a Bruce Willis action man in the space of a what ... like a day. If that's all it takes to cure depression and self doubt then sign me up to fight some giant ghost butts.

I know I am supposed to suspend belief when I'm reading a book about hundreds of feet tall spectres that resemble flowers, abstract art, barracudas and Gollum but I need my characters to be fleshed out and not be cardboard cut outs. Everything happened very conveniently so there was no suspense. "Oh no big scary monster is about to get us" [insert secondary character who appears out of nowhere to thwart evil plans].

I did enjoy some of the humour though and actually lolled a couple of times so gets a star for that.


A-Z Challenge - Action

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3066780840